Why engage our Maid Transport Services?
Costs savings
A 2-way taxi to-and-fro a certain location, for example, the airport has its costs too. And this does not include a trusted and efficient runner seeing your migrant domestic worker (MDW) through all the necessary processes and accompanying her throughout. Engaging our maid transport service will save you unnecessary cost wastage.
Time savings
The waiting time for hailing a cab or getting a transport on the day itself, the waiting time for a helper to check-in, and the moments spent waiting in between all add up, especially when you have other commitments or caregiving needs to attend to. Engaging our maid transport service will save you unnecessary time wastage.
Due to our years of experience with the various touch-points: airlines check-ins, Embassies, Flight and Ferry Terminals and the Ministry, our team of drivers are familiar with the respective locations, required documents and even check-in counters for a helper’s departure. These are in essence, all time savings for you as an employer.
Fast Turn-around time
How to engage us? Just call us on your maid transport requirement. We will advise you what is needed and proceed to arrange the necessary for you ASAP.
4 Types of Maid Transport Service
Send Maid Home
So, your helper’s flight is all booked for her journey home! Require a repatriation service to send your helper for her flight?
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New Maid Arrival & Transport & Administration
We can assist you in ALL LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS: receiving your Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW) after her arrival in Singapore & check-out of Government quarantine facilities, to her successful deployment at your house.
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Maid Home Leave Application
Your migrant domestic work (MDW) has completed her contract in Singapore and is intending to head home for a short break before returning to Singapore to start on her next contract with you.
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Maid Passport Renewal
Typically, most countries require a traveller to have at least 6 months validity on their passports should they intend to enter the country. While your helper is holding employment with you, you should ensure that she has a valid passport (with at least 6 months validity on your helper’s passport).
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A truly hassle-free process
In most instances like the end to end process administration, applications (dealing with respective embassies), and repatriation takes up long waiting time and increase the need to frequently travel to complete each task. To add to that, the documentation that is required for a process can add stress to the unfamiliar individual and might eventually lead to a wasted trip and increased administrative cost.
With many years of experience in the industry, we know exactly what is needed to get the job done efficiently and accurately. Let us help you save time and effort with our Maid Transport Services.

How To Book A Maid Transport Service?
Step 1
Drop Us An Enquiry
Let us know your maid transport or service requirements.
Step 2
We Will Contact You
We will respond within the day and advise you on the cost and timeline to complete the job.
Step 3
Book and Confirm Schedule
Once job is confirmed, we will book the transportation and prepare all the necessary documents to complete the job.